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Explore Services
We believe in the magic of decluttering our homes in order to increase joy, abundance and peace in our lives. Organizing can be a kind of alchemy - shifting the energy in our homes, removing blocks in our lives we may not have been aware of, and encouraging a more positive energy flow.
Service One
1:1 Decluttering and Organizing
The items in our homes are a type of record of our life choices. The process of decluttering can bring up memories from the past: things you said you were going to do but didn’t, gifts you received but didn’t like, expensive purchases that you have mixed feelings about now. We are here to be your support system as we guide you through the process of letting go and clearing out.
Imagine what it would feel like to be in your home once it is completely decluttered and organized. Are you more peaceful? Excited to have more friends and family over? Or maybe you finally have time to relax with your family or actually start that exercise routine or learn that hobby you have been wanting to try. Defining how you want to feel in your space is the first step. Now we have our North Star to guide our decluttering decisions.
This is the main event of all organizing sessions. Deciding what to keep or get rid of is where most people give up. Memories from the past, unprocessed emotions and difficult choices can surface. I will listen, ask gentle questions, and remind you of your end goal to help guide your choices. The items you decide to keep will be categorized and organized back into your space in an intuitive and easy-to-maintain system.
As a part of our organizing service, we will take all items that you decide to donate during your session to a local organization for you, so you don’t have to worry about it. We then email you your donation receipt and for you to write off on your taxes. Our goal is to give you a stream lined end to end experience, leaving you with a completely organized space and nothing more to deal with after we say our goodbyes.

Service Two
1:1 EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping is a healing modality rooted in cognitive therapy, exposure therapy and acupuncture techniques. In an EFT session, we will tap on specific acupoints while talking about what problems or issues you are currently facing, or what past issues you feel ready to heal.
While we tap, I’ll ask questions to get to the specifics of what is in your body, mind and emotions. Tapping while bringing to mind these negative feelings creates an internal environment of contradiction: your mind is in stress, while the acupoint tapping sends signals of safety to your brain, prompting your body to reprocess these emotional triggers and create new neural pathways. EFT is gentle yet highly effective and safe to combine with other methods and wellness routines.
A few kind words.
“Time flies by the moment Raleigh arrives. Think Mary Poppins. She’s kind, warm, competent and trustworthy. She is simply magical as she transforms your living space and your life! Raleigh has saved me an enormous amount of time, helping and guiding me through the psychological process of letting go of everything that no longer should take up space in my life.”
Joanna D.
Los Angeles
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